X-Men: First Class is a 2011 American superhero film, based on the X-Men characters appearing in Marvel Comics. The fifth installment in the X-Men series, the film was directed by Matthew Vaughn and produced by Bryan Singer, and acts as a prequel to the original X-Men trilogy. The story is set primarily in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and focuses on the relationship between Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Erik Lensherr (Magneto), and the origin of their groups—the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants, respectively. The film stars James McAvoy as Xavier andMichael Fassbender as Lensherr, leading an ensemble cast that includes Kevin Bacon, January Jones, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Zoë Kravitz,Nicholas Hoult and Lucas Till.
Duration: 132 min.
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